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Semantic UI React

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Stars: 13177Commits: 3130Latest commit: 8 days ago
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Downloads last 7 days: 266644

What is Semantic UI React?

Semantic UI React is an open-source React component library based on the popular CSS framework Semantic UI. This popular library, which at the time of writing has reached over 13.000 GitHub stars, aims to provide a one-to-one parity to the original Semantic UI framework, though with its logic done through React rather than jQuery and with a component-based approach of which developers can interact through component props.

Despite the port to React, Semantic UI React still uses the standard Semantic UI framework for styling, making it just as easy to theme and customize the components through CSS variables.

It is also important to notice that Semantic UI React is maintained by the same team as the original Semantic UI framework.

Semantic UI React features

JavaScript library features

Tree Shaking

Component library features

Built-in Dark Mode

Built-in Localisation


Server Side Rendering (SSR)

Built-in Right-to-Left Support

Semantic UI React alternatives